Getting Ready for a Big Trip

One can learn a lot about budget through camping!

We are off the Sharks Bay in a couple of weeks and the family is excited about it.  We have been there before, however we were unable to visit a range of places because we were driving a smaller ca…

Source: Getting Ready for a Big Trip

Why Teach Entrepreneurship Education?

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Lets STOP and think about it for a moment.  What are the skill sets that are needed to run a business?

  • Decision Making
  • Planning
  • Financial Literacy
  • Calculated Risk Taking
  • Opportunity Finding
  • Problem Solving
  • Leadership
  • Time Management
  • Teamwork
  • Communication
  • Creativity
  • Flexibility
  • Innovation
  • Life Long Learning
  • Accountability

And these are just a few that comes to mind, there are surely more.

Entrepreneurship isn’t a separate profession but rather entrepreneurs are at the heart of every business whether it’s retail, cafes, computers, your local restaurant, the news agency down the street or an online bookstore.  The skills learned through young entrepreneurship education apply to all professions.


Yesshub was designed for kids and teens to learn about entrepreneurship and to realize that it is actually a profession and you don’t just have to become a lawyer, doctor or mechanic. Lets keep in mind these skills that you learn along the journey and embrace the future of entrepreneurship!



What makes a good entrepreneur great? Is it their type of business, their industry, the team, profit margins, etc?  Well, yes all of these factors are part of it , but as I have learned and found the real ingredient is ‘Decisionship‘   is the ability to “make faster, better informed decisions with out the angst” (Creel Price).

This is what I believe is the key ingredient for making entrepreneurs great! We look at decisions in light of right and wrong, what people think, how would this decision reflect on me personally. Instead it is a decision that we make with the information we have at hand and it could be interpreted as right or wrong but making a decision is a key to success.

If you find the decision did not go to plan, then be ready to learn, be open to change and keep making decisions. You will learn from all of them if you are open to it! All great entrepreneurs have made some good decisions, great decision and then those that are $%*@, but they did it and they learned from it.

Commit to yourself today and start making decisions and learn from it, write it down, reflect on it and keep doing it. Remember Decisionship is the ability to make faster, better informed decisions without the angst!

Changing the World

(Young Steve Jobs on changing the world! 1.20 sec)

We often believe we can’t change the world, but the real fact is,that it is just a lie we are telling ourselves to avoid the commitment. The commitment of having expectations on ourselves and what if we fail?

Now at school we are traditionally taught to work hard, go to university, find a job and stay in that job until you are ready for retirement.  Entrepreprenurs don’t believe this as they are always looking for innovation and ideas that can solve people’s problems. If we have an idea that can solve enough people’s problem you will have a successfull business since these people will buy what you have.

Now coming back to my topic of changing the world…ambitious but possible. We can start by changing the world for one person, this may be to listen to them for 5 minutes, further, you can teach some kids a specific skill that you have or even doing some social work with a volunteer organization.

I watched the movie ‘Pay it Forward’ again after maybe ten years and it brought to light that anything is possible when we set our mind to it. Here was a boy that had an idea and thought he failed but in-turn, started a movement. He further had a goal and was commited to it even though it was hard and made him uncomfortable. He just got started and did it.

Here we have Steve Jobs, talking about not letting people kill your dreams and that we need to follow our gut as we know what is right for us. So come on, lets ‘Change the world’ since we can!

Children and their ideas are our future!

Children are our future. This phrase is not just a mere quote it is the truth. The young people of today will become the leaders of tomorrow. They will eventually take key positions within society. Children will also be required to come up with new innovations and to develop their big ideas in order to change the world.

The word innovation simply means to create new ideas. Innovation also includes the development of devices and processes which improves situations, elevates living standards, meets consumer needs and helps society to reach its economic and social potential. Children who want to become innovators within the future must be imaginative and creative. They must be able to come up with new ideas and practical solutions that will be feasible for many people.

Children should also understand that innovative ideas must be compatible with human needs. They should learn how to experience and empathize with other people’s feelings. Their ideas should appeal to other people. This is important for innovative ideas to become a reality. After a child comes up with an idea they must be able to take their concept and turn it into a reality. Getting a practical idea into the hands of the right people will be challenging.

When it comes to advancing innovations certain people within society are at the forefront of developments. Individuals such as Elon Musk and Richard Branson Big ideas that have literally changed our world. Elon Musk is famous for creating the PayPal website. He is now in the process of creating a new form of travel that will significantly reduce the amount of time between destinations. Richard Branson is the owner of Virgin Group which is consolidated company that has over 400 businesses. He is very close in establishing commercial flights into outer space.

Musk tells all people (including young people) to always create and to constantly look for new ways to improve life all around them. Branson encourages children to do things that other people are not doing. He tells them to start ideas where improvement or change is needed. This is one reason why he owns so many companies.

Ultimately, children from each generation should keep their imaginations primed to create new ideas and to develop different ways to meet the changing world around them. Parents, teachers and adults in general should do their best not to limit children and their creativity. They should help as many children as possible to come up with big ideas and innovations that will meet the challenges of the future.

ADHD labeled or Entrepreneur?

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Bored in school, failing classes, at odds with peers: sometimes in life, a person is labeled for what they do, how they act, how they speak, and how they look. These people are labeled attention seekers and trouble makers. Further they are diagnosed as ADHD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, a disorder in which inhibits their thinking process, only allowing them to concentrate on very few things at one time, or things that only hold their attention.

They are labeled in school, and some carry the title around with them the rest of their life, not using what they have been given to their full potential, or not being given the direction to use this to their advantage.

Given the right encouragement and help, they can become some of the biggest entrepreneurs this world could ever see. The fact that their focus span is limited, allows them to create a business that they want, and to give it the full attention it deserves in order for it to flourish.

Alan Meckler, chairman and CEO of Web Media Brands, is a company established in 1994. They provide jobs, education, research for media, business, and creative professionals. His short attention span has actually enabled him to only grasp the most important details he needs and spot the most relevant trends before his competitors. This is a typical trait in many top CEOs. This is what allows them to stay on top of the competition in a growing job market today.

Walt Disney, Founder of Disneyland, is a household name. He has built an empire, despite what people believe is a minus and not a plus in the business world. 50 Years after his death his company is still one of the largest corporations ever built. His boundaries were limitless!

Albert Einstein, another classic example of someone with ‘ADHD’, managed to make a name for himself despite the fact that he couldn’t remember to comb his hair, or couldn’t remember where he left things. He was a true genius, and never played by the rules on anything.

When you are focused, that is a plus, not a downfall. If young people are given the right direction and help, there is no limit to where they can go in life. Always encourage, and watch them take flight!

Why we Should Teach our Kids Entrepreneurialism


The economy is built on innovation and when someone recognizes a gap in the market and figures out how to apply it (before others), or perhaps sees a way to offer products or services in a better way than is currently available, they can very easily become successful. The idea that gaps in the market can be applied, and products and services improved is the cornerstone of ‘entrepreneurialism.’ It’s not surprising that many of the most successful people in the world were entrepreneurs from a very young age.

Unfortunately there is no way to simply ‘teach’ someone to be an entrepreneur, after all, if there was a foolproof formula for success we would all be multi-millionaires. However it is easy to inspire ‘entrepreneurialism’, giving those who have the capacity to become innovators the chance to develop their entrepreneurial traits. This is something that has been recognized by governments, institutions and companies for a long time; some schools now offer some form of entrepreneurial project each year, either extra-curricular or part of the syllabus, and thousands of companies run competitions and activities devoted to developing young business leaders.

The importance of offering these projects and giving entrepreneurial guidance to children is vital. Younger people are quicker and more imaginative thinkers, and can understand problems or gaps in the market that older generations might not even be aware exist. A young perspective is what gives any entrepreneur an edge over the competition, letting them maximize their potential to help their society, economy and country.

Countries rely on young innovators and entrepreneurs to sustain their economies and thrive as a nation. Investing in programs to inspire and facilitate new entrepreneurs in young generations pays invaluable dividends in the future, something we can all recognize and must continue to promote as much as possible, to secure our economy and our prosperity.

Get into the Game

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Golf is a game of inches that is even more complicated by us players. If only we could see the game through the eyes of children and make it simple. We say we are going to play golf then end up getting all frustrated.

MyTeeGolf is a total out of the box way of looking at golf and its methodology can be related to business.  Kids and adults are encouraged to play and make mistakes in golf but in business we don’t even start for fear of failure. We only see failure not at the possibility of succeeding. Yes it is better to succeed but we need to remember that if we don’t get into the game we will never play.

The excitement to hit the ball  up in the air is addictive and the satisfaction we get from being in the entrepreneurial game is just as addictive. The most common statement from people  is “I don’t have the money, to start a business”. So how about just starting a blog, which is low investment and time based where you can talk about a subject you love. Cheri , a 12 year old  girl that did just that and got in the game of entrepreneurship. So how about yourself or your kids?

When kids and adults are encouraged to experiment and play they learn the skills that last them a life time and these are not forgotten within 30 minutes. Forget about all the hype in golf of keeping your head down, left arm straight; just get into the game. Start your first Blog tomorrow about a passion and let yourself be transformed into an entrepreneur without any boundaries and fear.




Kids that started Business Empires


There are many kids who operate and own their own businesses. These little people with the big entrepreneur spirit have figured out a way to earn money and to help people through their endeavors. Kids such as Leanna Archer are making a decent living by selling hair products, Fraser Doherty sells his own version of wildly popular jellies and literally making millions. Cameron Johnson was a 15-year-old CEO and made his mark in the business world by selling beanie babies. He started at the age of 9 by selling his sister’s beanie babies before starting up other businesses. Currently, Johnson is now in his early twenties but when he started his empire years ago, he was considered one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world.

The bottom line is that any child can have a successful business if they have the right idea and the right backing. What made these kids successful was their natural business sense and persistence in accomplishing goals. With each endeavor they knew the steps to take to make it successful. Johnson is now a public speaker who informs people about how he achieved his success and the best advice that he gives to people is to make sure that they love what they are doing.

How to start? When a child wants to start a business they should first come up with an idea that interest them and is practical to carry out. Next, they should develop a plan that will help them to make the product or service efficient and marketable to customers. Children should have the support of their parents as they carry out their business endeavors. If not, they should at least have some type of support network in place that will help them to succeed.

Another point to remember is that young kids and teens should consider how they will be perceived by their peers when they start up a new business. However, they should not overly concern themselves about how they will be perceived among their peers. Many kids and teens are motivated to start their own endeavors when they encounter other children who are successful in business.

Ultimately, any child can work hard and succeed in business if they care about what they are doing and know the steps they must take to accomplish their goals.